Ep 239 Interview with Clients Amy and Emily

Wow! You are in for a very special treat this week as I invited my Alive AF! clients, Amy and Emily on the podcast to share their stories.

 Amy and Emily are sisters-in-law, and they are married to twin brothers! They have known each other since elementary school and ended up marrying twins!

 They share what was going on with their drinking before joining Alive AF! and where they are now, it's nothing short of amazing. 

They also go deep into the complexities of motherhood and marriage and how they both started changing how they spoke to themselves. 

They started with removing the shame when they over-drank, and you must listen to how this catapulted them to where they are now. 

If you have a good friend or family member to share your journey with, it makes all the difference; invite them to work on it with you.

And come join Alive AF! [link] right now, do what they said, and DON'T WAIT!

Come with me to Mexico; sign up HERE:

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Thank you, Emily and Amy; you are official podcast stars!!!

Angela Mascenik, Angela stop over-drinking coach, become emotionally unattached to alcohol, drink less, do more, drink less wine, emotional drinking, emotional eating, how do I feel my feelings, how to cut back on how much I drink, how to feel classy, how to feel to stop over-drinking, how to feel your urges, stop over drinking coach, Stop over-drinking and Start Living podcast, stop over-drinking help for women, Alive AF, moderation, quitting, reducing your drinking, sober retreat, born to be alive, forest therapy, forest bathing, how to stick to your planned amount, scared of change, the buzz, spouse, husband, partner, social groups, family groups, negative feelings, intuition, listening, being positive doesn't work, validated, what isn't working, options, benefits, mindful, pivoting, pivot, last chance, vacation, relationships, setbacks, motivation, programming, society, Las Vegas, family, pre-stressing, one on one coaching, Napa, restriction,vacation, everyday life, post vacation, motherhood, marriage