Ep 232 Common Setbacks with Coach Steph

Coach Steph joins me today to discuss the most common setbacks women experience when working on cutting back on how much they are drinking. 

These are common themes that we see over and over again when clients ask for coaching.

The reasons why they are not seeing the progress that they want to see:

  • Fear of failing
  • Waiting for the “right” time
  • Telling themselves they don’t have the time
  • Believing they always have to feel motivated

Listen to this casual conversation as we talk about these obstacles and our recommendations for moving through them. 

If you want direct coaching on your common setbacks, you can join Alive AF! by clicking here: 

To listen to Coach Steph’s story, click here:

Angela Mascenik, Angela stop over-drinking coach, become emotionally unattached to alcohol, drink less, do more, drink less wine, emotional drinking, emotional eating, how do I feel my feelings, how to cut back on how much I drink, how to feel classy, how to feel to stop over-drinking, how to feel your urges, stop over drinking coach, Stop over-drinking and Start Living podcast, stop over-drinking help for women, Alive AF, moderation, quitting, reducing your drinking, sober retreat, born to be alive, forest therapy, forest bathing, how to stick to your planned amount, scared of change, the buzz, spouse, husband, partner, social groups, family groups, negative feelings, intuition, listening, being positive doesn't work, validated, what isn't working, options, benefits, mindful, pivoting, pivot, last chance, vacation, relationships, setbacks, motivation