Ep 266 Radical Self-Love + Addiction

Happy 'Love' month! I like to focus on self-love this month. I don't think anyone needs advice on how to love their friends and family more.. I think we could take a tiny fraction of the energy we spend loving others and focus it on ourselves.


We have been programmed to believe that doing anything other than acts of service for other people is self-ish, especially as women.

So, I declare February self-love month and inside my Alive AF! membership, we take it to the next level and call is Radical Self-love.

Radical Self-love isn't what you might think. It's not saying no to everyone around you and booking a flight to the tropics for a month and laying on a beach and getting massages, although if you need to do that to get some space to reset, then by all means do it and you could even do it with me if you want to check it out [ https://www.angelamascenik.com/2024retreatsandcoaching ]

Radical Self-love is a love you have for yourself that helps you create boundaries around things that aren't good for you, like alcohol or over-working.

And having these boundaries is going to bring up your programming and can cause you to feel guilty, second guess your decisions, and more. And engaging in Radical Self-love is knowing that this will happen and choosing to follow through on what is better for you and working on the internal stuff that comes up. It doesn't really feel good when you are doing it, but over time, it will.

Also, I dig into Addiction and how to recognize if you are engaging in your addictive mind versus the real you, do not miss!

World Health Organization recent study on using alcohol: https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health

Join my monthly membership here: www.angelamascenik.com/aliveaf

Tags: Stop Over-drinking, Angela Mascenik, stop drinking podcast, how to feel, how to overcome addiction, how to drink less wine, change your relationship with alcohol, coach for women who want to drink less alcohol, help to stop over-drinking, stop over-drinking, life coach to help stop over-drinking, self-love, importance of self-love, online membership to stop over-drinking, program to help quit alcohol, how to quit drinking