Ep 211 Interview with Client Laura Young

My client Laura lost her son and was experiencing heavy grief and using wine to numb every night. She decided she wanted to start living again and started working with me inside my Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching programs.

Laura shares her beautiful story and what she did for herself that allowed her to be happy again while still living with the grief of losing her son.

You don't want to miss this episode.

You can follow Laura here:

Also, check out our final Dry January class by signing up below:

And make sure you are on the list to find out what's next by clicking this link:


Angela Mascenik, Angela stop over-drinking coach, become emotionally unattached to alcohol, drink less do more, drink less wine, emotional drinking, emotional eating, how do I feel my feelings, how to cut back on how much I drink, how to feel better during pandemic, how to feel class, how to feel to stop over-drinking, how to feel your urges, stop over drinking coach, Stop over-drinking and Start Living podcast, stop over-drinking help for women, dry january, client interview, grief, loss,